Monday, January 19, 2009

My New Fighting Technique Is Unstoppable

David Rees' My New Fighting Technique Is Unstoppable was first introduced to me several years ago by my two older brothers. Luckily, when they showed me the book, we were at my cabin on a rainy day so I had little else to do but read through it. At first, my reactions to the clip-art comic book were along the lines of "", but as I kept reading I started chuckling, then giggling, then laughing pretty hard, until finally I was completely won over and my brothers and I were all struggling for air.

Rees says of his own comic , "It can't really be explained. You either get it or you don't", which is exactly what I have experienced when I try to share it with various people. Half the time the book gets handed back and people shoot me weird looks, or on the flip side I'll give it to a person who must have the same strange brain quirk as me, and they will also be thrown into fits of laughter.

Here is the comic itself, give it a few chances. Let me know your reaction.

Seattle Weekly says of My New Fighting Technique Is Unstoppable-
Once in a while, unhinged profanity in the arts can be goddamn fucking beatific--this sentence being an obvious exception. His new minimalist comic collection, My New Fighting Technique Is Unstoppable, places Rees alongside George Carlin, Casino, and South Park in the gutter guffaw pantheon. He employs crude cut-and-paste methods with about 10 different clip-art images of karate figures to tell a breezy, ironic saga of obnoxious temple fighters who, when not relishing "giving motherfuckers a free ride in an ambulance," are uproariously aware of their existential status as static cutouts. ("What the fuck?" one ponders. "I'm stuck in permanent kicking position!")... Ridiculously brilliant and innovative.

Also check out Rees' website : Here you can find all of his other comics, such as the famous Get Your War On, and the all too hilarious My New Filling Technique Is Unstoppable.

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